Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I'm Back!!!

Oh my goodness! It's been 3 years!!!!! 3 bloody years since I was last filled you guys in about my life. 3 years of good and bad life moments that I've experienced and I'm doing to share with you guys. From bad life moments and breakups to going on a cruise with Carnival Imagination, to many more. This is something you're not going to want to miss.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Hi you guys!!!! :-D
It's certainly been a while since I was last on here, I've been incredibly busy working on some new things that I cant wait for you guys to here about. I've had good days and bad days but hey I'm just living the best I can. I had started taking E.M.T. (emergency medical technician) training classes and man it's quite the work. It's a lot to learn and remember but it's totally worth it. The hardest part about learning in the class is the anatomy part. You have to learn EVERYTHING about THE HUMAN BODY!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!

                                       Also. My brain is literally FRIED!!!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Life in March Update

                                                       Okay! Wooooh!
    Hey you guys. Sorry for not posting for a while. I've been incredibly busy and uh I want to fill you in on what I've been doing/up to. I've been doing to appointments and I felt like I hit rock bottom with my life. I was offered a job from Disney World to work for them and I was offered another job also so I had to make up my mind and choose one. Also I'm in the process of trying to move to Florida but I'm trying to build my credit up first and then take out a mortgage to have my very first permanent house out there in Florida. I'm very excited and I cannot wait.
   Also, let's see uh I've been changing some of my ways for positive. I struggle with having and keeping confidence and more. I've been trying really hard and I personally feel like I'm doing alright. Everyday is hard but I'm trying my best to get through it.
   Well, that's it for now. Stay tune for my next post. :-D

Monday, February 29, 2016

Reading The Face

   Hi you guys! :-D Lately I've been obsessed with my oily face and when I say obsessed I mean totally obsessed. I wanted to share some things that I've learned that I feel like you guys will learn from me that might work for you. Okay, so we all know the rule about water. If you don't then let me sure with you. Water is your best friend and you're suppose the drink it everyday and at least 6-8 glasses a day. I like drinking water but not that much. I know what your thinking. Ewe her piss must smell or something. Well hey no it doesn't. I don't drink regular water but I did change to drinking fruit water. You know also as flavored water. It tastes great and I love it. I've been drinking a lot of the propel water and some ICE water and I did see an improvement in my face. What's the improvement your thinking huh? Well improvement as in my face has not been breaking out so bad like it usually does and uh I feel like my acne scars are lightening up a bit. I have breakouts right on my forehead, between my brows, cheeks, side of chin, and above brow. Basically that's everywhere on my face. Did you know that wherever you break out on your face that means your face is sending you a message. Let me share some of the messages that it's sends if you deal with breakouts too.
Breakouts across the forehead can be triggered by stress or sleep deprivation.
(I stay up all night and morning until like 4 AM which is bad and I usually wake up around 9AM and if not that then 12 PM).

Above Brow:
The area above the brows represents your immune system. Breakouts tend to appear before, after, or during a cold or flu.

Between Brows:
Breakouts between the brows are often caused by overindulgence.
(I always eat and drink things with a lot of sugar and rich foods which is very bad).

It's affected by your lung quality. Smoking or breathing polluted air can cause breakout here.
(I'm always getting hit with cigarette smokes, and dust from the air in the face which affects my face and lungs).

Side of Chin:
Are affected by hormones. Breakouts occur around the time of your period and more on one side depending on which ovary is ovulating that month.

   Those are some of the messages that breakouts cans send to you on your face. To control my breakouts I buy face wash with helps out with my oily skin and acne. I wash my face at least 2 times a day with a face brush and then I wipe my face dry. After that I'll go and sometimes use a toner like sea breeze and or witch hazel and wipe it all over my face with a small cotton. After that I go ahead and put on a face cream that helps out with my oily skin and acne. I apply a small amount to my hands and rub it together for a minute to warm it up and then I wipe it on my face and neck. When I'm finished if I plan on going out I'll put on a face matte primer by Make Up Forever and head out knowing I won't look oily. If I don't plan on going out I don't put on any primer. I just relax and let my skin breath.
   What I just made you read is what I do everyday that works for me. Not everything works for everyone. For example Proactive might have work for you or someone else but when I tried it it never worked for me. It made my skin very bad with some painful irritation.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

New Look Suggestions?!

Aloha! :-) I have been so desperate with trying to find a new look that fits me, I've been eagerly dying to color my hair in a great nice color with highlights and lowlights. I want to also try a new make up look and a new dressing look. I want to look completely and stunning. I'm trying to lose as much weight as possible so I can look incredibly transformed. Please send me any ideas you may have for me. No idea is ever to ridiculous. You can send them to me on my contact page to any of the following. Thank you so much! :-D

Sunday, July 12, 2015


There's so many things I'd tell the 18 year old me. Here's a list of a few.

  1. Don't waste your time searching for Mr. Right One. You're young so continue enjoying your life.
  2. Stay humble.
  3. Take risks and chances in life or else later in life you'll regret that never did.
  4. Continue loving Harry Potter.
  5. You'll have to travel to Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida by yourself and you'll feel scared and nervous but you'll be alright.
  6. Actually try to get some sleep.
  7. You'll hate driving.
  8. You're still young.
  9. Work hard on your acting career.
  10. The first 18 years of your life were like a free trial. After this, it's pay to play.
  11. No matter what you say or do, you'll never please everybody. So, stop wasting your time trying to!
  12. Don't chase 1 money 2 titles 3 compliments 4 imitation Do chase 1 education 2 meaningful work 3 ways to help 4 love
  13. Enjoy this time, because you'll never have it back
  14. Stop making decisions based on what people think of you. People are going to hate you for no reason. Just be happy.
  15. Never put your dreams, goals, or career on hold because of someone else. Love is beautiful but so is your purpose.
  16. Take another slice of pizza. You're going to end up forever alone no matter what.
  17. Appreciate your beauty now because every few years you'll look back and you won't see the flaws you once did
  18. Don't sweat the small stuff. People who try to pull you down are already beneath you. You'll never see them again.